How To Trade Your Friends For A Whopper

Well maybe I jumped on my one-man exodus from Facebook revolution a moment too soon. Burger King’s latest in a line of ridiculously successful viral campaigns that date all the way back to Where’s the Beef, is a new Facebook app that will award you a coupon for a free Whopper if you delete 10 of your friends.

As reported at WebProNews:

Now they have the Whopper Sacrifice, the aforementioned trade-your-friends-for-a-hamburger campaign. “You like your friends, but you love the Whopper” is the tagline.


Sweet! In these harsh economic times this is a great way to stuff my face. Again, too bad I already dumped the whole enchilada. I guess the social web really does have its benefits, and here I failed to take notice…


3 responses to “How To Trade Your Friends For A Whopper”

  1. hungry?is your facebook contaminated with people who don\’t respond to your status updates? then trade those losers for lunch! this blog entry will tell you how!!

  2. I left Facebook almost a year ago, after having used it for about a year. I don’t regret my decision, despite the fact that I have to deal with people who are amazed, confused, or even annoyed when I discuss why I don’t like or use Facebook. I’m just catching up on your reasons for leaving FaceBook now, and I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling this way.

  3. WOW! I believe I just canceled my account and they did not have to buy me lunch to do it…!

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